Monday, August 6, 2012

Share the Love

     It's been awhile . . . summer has been busy! I'm writing now to let you all know about something near & dear to my heart. My friend Liz Messer over at I'd Rather Be Elspeth will soon be having a fundraiser to support their upcoming adoption beginning on August 13th. There are going to be a lot of amazing things that you (yes, you!) can enter to win! I know many of Liz's friends have made things for the fundraiser, so there will be tons of awesome handmade things to choose from. 

     To get you intrigued, I thought I'd share with you what I made for her. Remember the capes I made for Sam's 1st Birthday party? Well, if you want one for your munchkin, there will be a cool super cape you can try to win. I made a fun gender neutral cape that I'm sure any superkid would love! 

I also made a cute, girly art smock that is almost just like this one that I made for Ava for her 2nd birthday. 

Look at that sassy little artist! :) I made the one for the fundraiser a bit bigger than this, so it would definitely be very roomy on a 2 year-old, but would probably fit any preschool girl up to about 5 (maybe even 6?) years old.

Ava's art smock has gotten a lot of use in the last year. You should definitely check out the fundraiser on the 13th and try to win one for your girlie! 

You can read about the Messer's adoption story by clicking here, and really learn a lot about them by just perusing Liz's older posts. I love reading her blog. There are few blogs I've found out there that are more open and heartfelt. The trials they have endured are full of heartache, and yet I know they always have sought to put their hope in Christ and now hope to adopt in the near future. Go read their story. You will fall in love with this sweet family. Check back again in time for the fundraiser -- let's support them as they get ready to adopt a new little one into their family!

Also, if you act fast, you can still get in on her pre-fundraiser giveaway! Click on over to her blog and enter to win a cute pair of earrings. She'll be picking a winner tomorrow, so hurry on over! 

1 comment:

  1. Cari, I am so humbled and thankful! Awesome post and such adorable pictures of Ava...and you are incredibly talented! I love the cape but I lovelovelove the smock :) You are the best! I wish I could win it!
