Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Super Sam!

Our little Sammy boy is ONE! Can you believe it? Me neither! Well, except that he's so big . . . look at this little man!

It's kind of amazing to me how he's developed physically so fast. Sam is on the move! He runs, climbs, does chin-ups . . . you know, the usual baby stuff . . . right? Ha! He's fun. And a bit of a handful. :) We had his one-year checkup last week and he's doing great! He's still tall (in the 97th percentile!), but has slowed down a bit on his weight now -- in the 50-75th %ile range. Oh, it's just so fun to watch him grow. I love it. ❤

He's an exciting little guy to have around! He's just into everything right now and is doing all sorts of surprising things. One day I found him standing triumphantly on top of the dining room table. He climbed onto a chair and then right up on the table - easy as pie! He stood there, waving his arms around excitedly and looking quite exhilarated at his feat. Haha! Needless to say, Sam requires rather a lot of supervision. :)

He's a boy of many nicknames, one of them "Super Sam" -- I mean, the kid's got some serious super-strength, super-sonic screeching, super speed . . . need I go on? So, we decided to have a superhero birthday party to celebrate his first birthday on March 3rd. All of his little friends came and we had tons o' fun! 

Look at all those awesome superheros! There were kids flying around all over the place! 

Our fun party table! Adam and I made the little cityscape the night before (it's Denver! Did you notice? heehee). It was actually quite simple -- it's mostly made out of wrapping paper, plus some sparkly yellow scrapbook paper that I had for the stars. Adam had the idea to put the Super Sam "S" light in the sky which he made out of wax paper . . . awesome! :)

Super cupcakes! I designed some little cupcake labels using Pages on our Mac. I love Pages -- so easy to design things. I made his party invites on there, too.

 Much cheaper to make them on there than to order them from some photo site or something. Especially since I didn't even print any and just emailed them . . . :)

Here's his cake! It was kind of a cake-tastrophe . . . but it doesn't look too bad, right? Maybe a tad lopsided. I don't know why, because I've made the same cake before, but the layers would NOT come out of the pan in one piece. It was crazy! So, in the end, I had to cement it all together with frosting. It still tasted good, though! Extra frosting never hurts, eh? :)

Sam liked it! Yummy!

 Probably the most fun part of the party was watching all the kids playing in their capes! They were my big pre-party project and turned out so cute! I might do a little tutorial on here sometime soon on how to make them. I'm no expert at sewing, so it was pretty easy!

The big kids really got into it. :) It was fun to hear them coming up with all the different superpowers they had!

And Sam and Violet mostly just looked cute. :)

All in all, it was a super fun party! Happy Birthday, baby boy! 


  1. What fun ideas and a super party for SAM! Thanks so much for sharing, Cari! I wish we lived closer because you would be a fun fellow mom to raise babies with! We have taken down the goalie and are trusting the Lord with timing! We hope to see you guys soon and blessings to your precious family!!!! Love, Lindsey

  2. What a fun party! And such cute kids :) Henry loooooooves his superhero cape. I'd like to see the tutorial!

    sarah schwindt
