Saturday, July 16, 2011

A 4-month Update

When little Samuel was born, we didn’t have a name picked out for him. Well, we had three that we liked, but really couldn’t decide on just one. It was totally different from our experience with Ava. We named her as soon as we found out she was a girl. With Sam, we eventually decided that we would have to meet him before we could choose his name. 
Then he was born and he was a big boy! At 9 pounds, 7 ounces and 22 and a quarter inches long, he looked strong and tough. Not a particularly delicate newborn. We had the name Samuel on our list, and both knew when we first saw him that it would be his name. We joked that he looked like a Samson with his mess of dark hair, strong look, and a determined little scowl on his face. :) But, we went for Samuel. Samuel William. (William for my dad. :) It’s his middle name, too!)
We had Sam’s 4-month checkup yesterday. Well, technically almost 4 1/2 months, but close enough. He seems to be keeping up his growth pattern! His updated stats: 17 pounds, 11 ounces (90th %ile), and 28 inches long -- they said his length was off the chart! Rather than giving an exact number, they just said greater than 97th %ile . . . whatever that means. Seems crazy that he’s grown almost 6 inches in just 4 months and nearly doubled his weight!  
And, just for comparison -- Ava was 17 lbs 14 oz and 28.5 inches long at nine months. And Sam is four months. Only four. Whoa. This boy thing is different than the girl thing. (Already picturing ghastly grocery bills for feeding a starving teenage boy . . . eek!)
Anyway, here’s my Samasaurus sleeping with Mr. Bear yesterday. Isn’t he sweet?

Yesterday’s other news: Adam got his hair cut short (woohoo!),  Ava got home from a little stay with Nana & Papa, we had a fun family night at the Street Faire in Louisville, and . . . oh, yes -- Sam slept through the night . . . two nights in a row! Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. Fun! I didn't know that you have a blog! I loves blogs. I have one but I'm not that great at putting stuff up regularly. I kinda go in spurts :) But I am excited to add you to my list of blogs to follow :) And I can't believe how big Sam is! That is just amazing!!! You picked a good name for him :)
