Tuesday, August 2, 2011


   Ava is at the fun stage where she's really starting to take hold of our lovely English language and get creative with it. Ah, toddlerhood . . . the only time it is acceptable and, dare I say, cute to use poor grammar. 

   Currently, she's experimenting with plurals:

More than one dog = Dogses
A herd of cows = Cowses
A night sky filled with stars = Starses
Storytime = Bookses
Toes = Toeses

   Seeing a trend? Funny thing is that she used to be more correct in her plural usage. Now, she's decided to try -ses at the end of everything for awhile. 'Cause it's fun! We get our kicks where we can.

   Or, maybe she's turning into Gollum. "Nasty, tricksy hobbitses . . . "



  1. I don't think Ava is turning into Gollum, Cari!!! She just likes to use plurals like this!!!

  2. Love the picture! And her use of the English language!

  3. Cute! Definitely the things you'll look back on someday and say "if only you could remember when you called them 'cowses'" :)
