Saturday, July 23, 2011


Since it was ridiculously hot yesterday, we went to the pool! Ava loves to swim, and Sam got to try it for the first time. He was pretty chill about the whole deal, but seemed to enjoy kicking his little legs! 

Before we left, Ava decided to look adorable whilst playing with her water table.

Yep, adorable.

Then we walked to the pool! Sam was excited to take a refreshing dip.

And Ava was excited to try water wings for the first time! Well, in this picture, she was actually asking us to take them off, but once she got to try them in the water she thought they were pretty nifty.

She did really well once she figured out how to use the water wings to keep her head above water! She liked having a bit of independence -- just a bit -- she could kind of step off the pool steps and kick around a little. She would say, "I do it myself!" and was quite proud of herself. :)

Sam had fun kicking around, too! And doing backfloats. It was pretty exciting!

And here's a teensy video of our experience  . . . teensy because it is hard to video and hang onto squirmy little girls at the same time. Hooray for swimming!


  1. what a cute family you have! like you!

  2. Cari, I love the kids in the pool...they have to start their Olympic swimming careers somewhere, right? Yay! My dream is to live vicariously through Micah : ) Sam's hat is great! love you.

  3. Awww good job Ava!!! And yes she is adorable :) Swimming is our favorite activity!
