Saturday, September 3, 2011

6 Months!!!

Guess who's six months old today? 
You're right -- it's SAM!

Since he's so very grown up, we decided it was high time he started eating solids.

"Who, me? I get to eat real food?"

It's true! 

We're pretty fancy-schmancy around here, so Sam got to use his very elegant engraved baby spoon. Isn't it sweet? (Thank you, Terry & Sherrie :) Such a fun baby gift!)

He likes it!

Well, sort of . . . mostly he likes to smile, so the rice cereal just sort of dribbled out every time. We'll have to work on it a bit.

Ava was a good little cheerleader for him. (Yes, with a bit o' bed head.) You'll hear her in the video, "He likes it!! There you go, Sam!" :) Sweet sister. 


  1. He's so big now, I can't believe it!

  2. WOw, how did he get to be 6 months already!? He is adorable and a good mix of you and Adam together to form a beautiful and healthy little guy. Where is he on the growth chart? He looks right on track! Ava has so much to say, fun time. Xavier is really getting more ideas and being able to express them. We left a huge toy store today (after getting a him a little playmobil toy) and he said "that was fun". I thought it was a cute expression of how he felt which I am sure is very advanced for a 23 mo old boy... ha ha. So thanks for the pictures, he is wonderful!-so are you!

  3. You know he is ridiculously cute, right? Sam, you are one sweet smiley boy!
