Monday, July 11, 2011


    The kids and I had a nice little walk over to Sunflower Farmer's Market this morning. We were out of milk, which can be quite the dilemma when you have Ava around. She's a milk addict. She rolled out of bed this morning saying, "Milk, mommy?" So, of course we had to make a little trek to the market. 

    Plus, we needed a muffin. Ava and I love muffins, and hadn't had a good one in at least a couple of weeks.  Here's a picture of the one we got, because I know you're just dying to see it.

It was delicious.

Since we're talking about muffins, let's talk about our littlest muffin, Sam! ('Cause the grandparents are most likely reading this, and you know how they love seeing baby pictures. Hi, Mom!)  Anyway, Sam's still relatively new around here, so you'd better get to know him. He's a pretty fun little guy.

See? Doesn't he look friendly?

He's really happy to meet you.

Ahm. "I wish I could have a muffin."

Mo-om! Stop taking so many pictures!


He's a sweet boy. Still not sleeping through the night at well as we'd hoped, but we're getting there. He does put himself to sleep on his own now. Hooray! Someday we'll sleep all night again . . . someday.

And, lucky you: here's some extra cuteness tossed in. I checked on him while he was napping -- he found his thumb! Adorable. But let's not make a habit of it, Sam. Tsk tsk! :)


  1. Such a sweet, happy boy!
    Love, Nana
    (Of course I love pics of our little Sam!)

  2. That thumb-sucking picture of Sam is adorable (as are all of the other Sam pictures). Good luck with the sleeping through the night thing. I hope it happens soon!
